News Blog

Report of the Constitution Committee
March 13, 2024

Local 749's SPRING Juvenile Detention Newsletter is out. Read All About It! 

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Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 is happy to announce disounted tickets for Local 749 Members.

AFSCME Local 749 has completed the Ratification vote for Court Recording Monitors. The vote tally is 134 for the agreement and 13 against. The Agreement overwhelmingly passes and will be sent to the Judicial Branch for implementation.

FAQ: CRM Tentative Agreement

***Database and assignment committee questions cannot be answered at this time.

Click here to download pdf version of FAQ

1. Q: What if you are just shy of the two years?

We are proud to announce a Tentative Agreement between A.F.S.C.M.E Local 749 and The State of Connecticut Judicial Branch regarding Court Recording Monitors. This agreement has been an ongoing issue for over a decade. Both the Union and the Branch worked hard and came to a resolution that benefits our members for years to come.

Click here to read the Tentative Agreement.

Before the invention of the printing press, spanning the millennia from ancient Egypt until the Middle Ages, the taking of dictation and keeping of judicial and historical records was the honored and skilled occupation performed by scribes. Over the years the profession developed into today’s public servant known as the court recording monitor.

The evolution of the profession is not lost on Sabrina Agbede. Working as a Judicial Branch court monitor for the past 22 years, she is a self-proclaimed “present-day scribe.”

AFSCME Local 749 is pleased to announce our 2024 college scholarship. This scholarship wil be awarded to help the dependent of a Local 749 union member attend a college or university We encourage members in good standing to apply. The deadline for application is March 31, 2024.

January 25, 2021: Nominations Officially Closed
Nominations officially closed on January 22, 2021.

Kathy Rodriguez has been nominated for the position of trustee.

There was no nomination for the position of South Central Vice President.

Dear Local 749 Court Recording Monitors,

As we enter contract negotations, a union committee comprised of your fellow Court Recording Monitors has crafted a survey that addresses some of the issues we are trying to resolve with the employer. We have emailed the survey to you on Dec. 22, 2020.

Dec. 17, 2020 -- With COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) cases spiking, leaders of the unions representing nearly 4,000 frontline Connecticut Judicial Branch employees are calling out administrators for refusing to address workplace health and safety concerns.