News Blog

Report of the Constitution Committee
March 13, 2024

Local 749's SPRING Juvenile Detention Newsletter is out. Read All About It! 

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Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 is happy to announce disounted tickets for Local 749 Members.

Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 is happy to announce member benefits for disounted tickets to Lake Compounce. Click on the Link to get to the webpage:  Select visitors | Lake Compounce

The Ticket price for adults is 34.99 using the discount code: SPLASHFUN2024

In solidarity,

Ana Lindley

Vice President

Results are in!

2024 Wage reopener Ratification vote

Sisters and Brothers,

The 2024-2025 Wage reopener to vote on a 2.5% wage increase to include a step/top step lump sum on July 1, 2024, has concluded. The vote took place on March 28, 2024, from 9 am-3 pm and was conducted electronically.

Local 749's WINTER Juvenile Detention Newsletter is out. Read All About It! 

Click here to read the newsletter.

Congratualtions to Sister Ana Lindley who was elected Local 749 Vice-President in June 2023 in Special election, per the Local 749 Constitution, to fill a vacancy. As Vice-President, she is an automatic delegate to the State and International conventions. Ana Was elected as the regional vice president on November 2, 2021. Prior to that Ana was a trustee from July 2020 - November 2, 2021. Ana is a Court Interpreter II.

Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 has recently organized 16 paralegal Specialists from the Division of Criminal Justice. The Local 749 Paralegal Specialist committee has reached a Tentative Agreement to incorporate the Job Class into the Division of Criminal Justice Collective Bargainig Agreement.

An informational Zoom meeting will be held for employees who have signed a membership card on December 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

A Ratification vote will be conducted Electronically on December 21, 2022 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 is announcing a dues increase for members of 90 cents a pay period. Bringing to total dues to 23.54 per pay period in January 2023. The Dues increase is dictated by A.F.S.C.M.E International and Council 4 Constitution. 


All Judicial Branch employees who have worked at 587 Middle Turnpike East Manchester:

Please be advised that the Co-Tenant (Pheonix Laboratories)has been cited by OSHA for exposure to Carcinogens.

If you or know someone who has worked at this location since 1996, they should Contact their Union representative for additional information and updates.               

Your next step should be to Fill out a 30C workers Compensation claim.