News Blog

Report of the Constitution Committee
March 13, 2024

Local 749's SPRING Juvenile Detention Newsletter is out. Read All About It! 

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Sisters and Brothers,

Local 749 is happy to announce disounted tickets for Local 749 Members.


Nov. 2, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18 at locations statewide
For the following offices: Regional Vice President

AFSCME Local 749 hereby calls for elections for Regional Vice Presidents at the dates and locations listed below. All meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. Nominations will be taken at the start of the meeting. Once nominations are closed, if necessary, a secret ballot vote will immediately take place.

Sisters and Brothers,

AFSCME Local 749 and the Judicial Branch have reached a tentative memorandum of understanding (MOA) regarding work hours, pay differentials and shift swaps for Bail Commissioners, Supervising IAR Specialists, Lead IAR Specialists, IAR Specialists and IAR Specialist Trainees.

Sisters and Brothers,

AFSCME Local 749 leadership is working hard to preserve your workers’ rights. Local 749 has worked hard to ensure that the employer is providing a safe work environment through the Collective Bargaining Agreement since the beginning of the pandemic. Local 749, along with Council 4 representatives, have conducted site visits, addressed member concerns, and conducted monthly meetings with Management to make sure you have a safe workspace to go to.


AFSCME Local 749 Union Officer Elections
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at work locations statewide
For the following offices: President and Recording Secretary

Candidates for President are:
Ron Nelson
Charles Marino

Candidates for Recording Secretary are:
Lisa Franchina
Sotonye Otunba-Payne

On August 19th, the Administration of Governor Ned Lamont announced Executive Order No.13D (EO-13D) concerning mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of state employees who do not qualify for medical or religious exemptions.

Under the EO, which would take effect beginning on September 27, 2021, some state employees who have not received at least their first dose of the vaccine, and do not  qualify for a religious or medical exemption, will be able to continue to work in a state owned or operated property only by undergoing a COVID-19 test one time per week. 

On August 13, 2021, per the Local 749 constitution, the Local 749 Executive Board elected Sabrina Agbede as the new Vice President.

This election was to fill the vacancy with the resignation of the previous vice president. 

Sabrina was approved unanimously by the executive board. 

She is a court monitor in Hartford and recently served on the committee to negotiate and ratify the court monitor agreement with the Judicial Branch. 

Sabrina will be a great asset for our Local membership, executive board, and labor relations.

AFSCME Local 749 Executive Board awarded three scholarships to dependents of Local 749 members. Bailey Hyland, Nina Marinaccio, and Cristian Rodriguez-Marin, each received $1,000 scholarships to be used for tuition, housing, books, or other college related expenses.

Each student was required to write an essay on the positive impact the union has made in their life.

Stewards are the backbone and key to strong unions. Every day, they are the union people members most often see when they are at work. With the motivation to help strengthen judicial worksites and member communication, mobilization, and education, AFSCME Local 749 hosted a stewards training.

On June 18th, 30 members attended the full-day training at the Local 749 office in Meriden. Council 4 Service Representative, Rudy Demiraj, led the training with Local 749 President, Ron Nelson, assisting.